Debbie Wosskow and Anna Jones launched the AllBright, a female-only members’ club, in 2017. Today they have three clubs, two in London and one in West Hollywood, with more on the way. We photographed the power pair in their favourite pieces from Chinti & Parker’s Resort ’20 collection. Here, they answer 20 questions about everything from being a woman in business to the words they live by.

Which women do you admire the most?
Anna: So many women. My co-founder Debbie Wosskow is one of the most remarkable women I have ever met (and lucky me, that we get to run a business together!).
Debbie: I’m lucky that I’m surrounded by amazing women all day at the AllBright clubs. I’m also on the Mayor of London Business Board with superstars like Dame Jayne Anne Gadhia and Nicola Mendelsohn, who are absolutely inspiring.
What would be your one piece of advice to a woman wanting to start their own business?
Anna: Ensure that you’re truly passionate about what you’re about to do. It might be a great idea but if it doesn’t give you energy, don’t do it. You’ll be at it 24/7 in the early days.
Debbie: Make sure you love your idea at the beginning of the journey – it’s a long game and you will spend a lot of time thinking about it and selling the dream.

If you could be remembered for one thing what would it be?
Anna: Building a global sisterhood of incredible women.
Debbie: Building AllBright and changing women’s lives.
What motivates you most?
Anna: Building something from scratch.
Debbie: Trying to be the best I can be.
Where do you see yourself in ten years’ time?
Anna: Looking back and thinking ‘wow, that was an amazing decade!’.